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Italian Gardens
Judith Wade

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Since the earliest Roman settlements, Italians have been expertly cultivating their land into beautiful and creative displays of nature, combining terraces and walkways, plants and flowers, water and statuary. The Italian garden has greatly evolved throughout the ages. Early Italian gardens made use of citrus, the ancient art of the topiary was revived in the Renaissance, and the refined parterre was developed to spread forth from the great palazzos and provide a dramatic view from their upper stories. Later, in the nineteenth century, the influence of the English garden took hold, with its meandering paths, asymmetrical lakes, and blossoming trees. In Italian Gardens, Wade explores more than five hundred years of the Italian garden tradition, introducing the reader to thirty-seven of the most captivating gardens of Italy, in eleven regions are visited, from Lombardy and Piedmont in the north, to the island of Sicily in the south. |
Italian Gardens: A Guide
Helena Attlee & Alex Ramsey

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For more than 500 years the gardens of Italy been
irresistibly attractive. Many of the greatest artists and architects of the Renaissance were employed in their design and ornamentation. Italian Gardens is a practical and beautifully illustrated guide to more than 60 of the finest examples, from the seventeenth-century gardens of Castello d'Aglie in Piedmont to the thirteenth-century Moorish garden of the Villa Rufolo in Campania. This book provides histories and descriptions, as well as detailed information on locations, facilities, opening times, and accessibility. |
Edith Wharton's Italian Gardens
Vivian Russell

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Edith Wharton published her first book on Italian garden architecture, "Italian Villas and Their Gardens", in 1904. She was a lifelong Italophile as well as a lifelong gardener. Nineteen of the gardens Wharton and her illustrator Maxfield Parrish brought to public attention are virtually unchanged by the passage of the single century since her descriptions were written. Russell has recaptured both the essence of the gardens themselves and Wharton's experience of them in a series of excellent photographs and historical summaries of each garden. |